Project Categories by Grade:
K-2 (individual,partner or class)
3-4 (individual or partner)
5-6 (individual or partner)
7-8 (individual only)
9-12 (individual only)
3 projects per category per school may enter the District Fair. (1st, 2nd and 3rd place for each category)
Class projects must be done by the majority of students (so if the class has 24 students 13 or more should contribute-more than half)
Individual projects by only one student.
Partner projects are no more than 3 students.
Promoting Ideas of Thought:
Projects Due: February 29, 2024
Judging and Winners: March 1, 2024
Helpful Hints:
-Choose a topic you like.
-Have a reason for doing the project. Example: answer a question, prove/disprove a hypothesis, make a comparison, etc.
-Discuss the math concepts you used and show all calculations.
-Discuss the procedure you followed when doing the project.
-Make a conclusion about what you did.
-Provide all resources. Example: websites, reference books, etc.
-Make your display neat, organized, and colorful.
-Additional “props” that can go on the display table are good.
-Practice talking about your project. Why/how you came up with your idea, how you did the math, what your conclusion is.
-Ask people to ask you questions about what you did.
-Keep all notes, rough drafts, calculations, and other work papers used to complete your project.
The Best Projects Often Come From Personal Connection and/or Interest!