Our Parents
Arrival and Dismissal
Daily Schedule and Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Doors will be locked until 7:00 each day. No students are to be dropped off at school before 7:00. The cafeteria staff begins serving breakfast at 7:00 when the doors open. A bell will ring at 7:15 to let students know that they have 5 minutes to get to class and the tardy bell rings at 7:20. Students that are tardy must report to the office and be signed in by an adult.
Car Rider Drop-Off
Parents bringing students to school each morning for car rider drop-off must enter from the Island Ford Road entrance. Follow the arrows in the right hand lane only and drive around the semi-circle until you pull up to the Number 1 labeled on the sidewalk at the end of the awning beside the media center (there is to be no drop off at the front door). The supervisor(s) will monitor students as they exit the vehicles and walk into the school. Parents must stay in their vehicles while dropping off students in the car rider line.
Our school day begins at 7:20. If you come to school after 7:20, you will need to enter through the office door. No parents are allowed down the halls after the tardy bell rings.
Bus Riders
Bus riders arrive between 6:55-7:05 and are dropped off at the cafeteria entrance. It is recommended for students to be at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time. Bus stop times may fluctuate some as not every child will ride every day.
Dismissal is 2:10pm daily for car riders and bus riders. Students will need to have a consistent transportation dismissal method. Any changes to the normal dismissal method require a note or phone call from the parent to Marsha Wilson. The school office must be notified by 1:00 to make a change in your child’s transportation for that day. No changes should need to be made after 1:00 unless it is an emergency. This policy is to ensure that all students are being sent home correctly by school personnel and to communicate the changes to all necessary individuals before dismissal. Notes with students for transportation changes are preferable as this is the best method for communication. To ensure safety, there will be no parent pick-up in the building after 2:00 as we must now monitor who is in the building when all students are moving for dismissal.
Car Rider Pick-Up
Please pull into both lanes as you enter the school parking lot and follow the arrows. In order to keep traffic off of Island Ford Rd, we use both lanes for dismissal. The first car in the line should park at number 1. We will load curbside cars first. When all of the students in the curbside line are in their cars, the supervisor will signal those cars to pull away and exit the parking area. Next, students will be called to the correct number and wait for a supervisor to help them cross to their parked car in the second lane. When cars are loaded, drivers will be signaled by the supervisor and will pull away to go home. Then the next group of cars will pull into position to repeat the process. During the pick-up process all parents need to remain in their cars and let the supervisor bring your child to your vehicle. Parents may not park in the parking lot and enter the media center to pick up their child. It is too dangerous to walk in between all of the cars during dismissal. Our car rider dismissal time is rather short. Any students not picked up by 2:25 will be sent to the office for pick-up. Please note that students who show a pattern of not being picked up by 2:30 on a consistent basis will be required to meet with the principal and/or guidance counselor. If there are no improvements this will cause us to contact the social worker and/or social services. If you will be late picking up your child please contact the office to let us know that you will be late.
Bus Riders
Dress Code
Dress Code Policy
Iredell Statesville School adopted a district-wide dress code policy. School board regulations forbid the wearing of apparel that advertises Drugs, Alcoholic Beverages, or Profanity. Any student who wears such an article of clothing will be asked to call their parents to bring another set of clothes for the child to wear that day or the school will try to provide clothes for the student through the clothes closet.
Requirements for Student Dress During the Regular School Day
All clothing must be appropriately sized, securely fastened, and cover the midriff, back, sides, and all undergarments at all times. For example, pants should be secured at the waist, no underwear as outerwear, and no underwear exposed.
Shirts and tops must be below the beltline and at least a length that covers any exposure of the midriff.
Rips, holes, or tears in clothing must be below mid-thigh. Shorts and dresses must be at or below the fingertips.
See-through, revealing, or mesh garments must not be worn without appropriate coverage underneath that meets the minimum requirements of this dress code.
Garments, jewelry, tattoos, or other insignias, which display or suggest sexual, vulgar, drug, alcohol, or tobacco-related wording/graphics or may tend to provoke violence or disruption in school shall not be worn/visible.
Clothing must not state, imply, or depict hate speech or imagery targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or other characteristics protected by federal or state law or Board policy.
Any articles of clothing or jewelry that may cause injury including, but not limited to, items with spikes, sharp objects, wallet chains, and heavy link chains are not allowed.
Head gear, including but not limited to caps, hats, bandanas, sweatbands, and sunglasses, shall not be worn indoors on campus unless permitted by the principal. Students may wear sunglasses, hats, or other sun-protective wear outdoors during school hours; however, these articles must not violate this dress code. However, a principal may allow hats if their messaging is school related.
Clothing and footwear traditionally designed as sleepwear shall not be worn.
No costumes allowed, which could be parts of a costume such as tails, gloves, ears,
non-prescription eyewear, collars of any kind. Exceptions include Spirit Week or other school sponsored events. On these special occasions, all clothing must be within dress code guidelines and must represent the particular school and its reason for celebrating.
Parents will be contacted for dress code violations and students will be asked not to wear the inappropriate clothes to school again. Continual dress code violations may result in disciplinary actions.
Field Trips
Classes will take field trips during the course of the school year. Field trips are considered an extension of the classroom. We reserve the right to deny students the privilege of taking a field trip if severe behavioral problems have been documented and parents contacted. A parent may be asked to attend with the child under certain circumstances. Any parent wanting to chaperone a field trip must complete an online volunteer form with Iredell-Statesville Schools and will be subject to a background check.
Contacting Teachers
Contacting Teachers
Classroom instruction will not be interrupted for telephone calls except in the case of an emergency. Office staff will gladly take messages and teachers will return calls when instructional time is not taken from students. Parents may also write notes or email teachers as a means of communication.
Visitors and Volunteers
Visitors on Campus and Volunteers
We want all parents and students to feel welcome at Sharon Elementary. However, we need all visitors to enter at the front door by the office area. All other outside doors will remain locked at all times to ensure the safety of our students and staff. Visitors will sign in and receive a visitor sticker and will need to sign out in the office before leaving the school.
We have been blessed with people who are willing to give their time and talent to help our students. Our parents are encouraged to consider volunteering for the school in some manner. Before volunteering, a volunteer form must be completed online. Volunteers will have to wait on a background check before entering classrooms or working with students. We ask that our volunteers finish their day by 2:00 in order to have enough time to sign out before dismissal. Please contact the school if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.
Please note: pictures of other students may not be taken by any visitor or volunteers while at school.